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ability to search multi-period EPI or MS3 spectrum in SCIEXOS

currently we can collect mutiple EPI  or MS3 by mutiple periods but the software cannot search such data (the so...

0 コメント Dec 17, 2018 23 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 1 0
  • In Progress

    Dec 17, 2018 1 SCIEX OS Software In Progress

    Analytics- Export Calculated Column Formulas

    Currently, Analytics allows calculated columns, but there is no way to quickly import or export lists of calculated c...

    0 コメント Feb 19, 2019 51 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 2 0
  • New Idea

    Feb 19, 2019 2 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Include a column in the Peptide Summary indicating each peptide's "membership" of various protein groups (N)

    Currently the Distinct Peptide Summary has a column indicating all of the N groups which a peptide match belongs to -...

    0 コメント Jan 13, 2019 35 Views Product:ProteinPilot Software
    Jan 13, 2019 0 ProteinPilot Software New Idea

    support CTC PAL and PAL3 in SCIEX OS

    support CTC PAL and PAL3 in SCIEX OS

    0 コメント May 05, 2022 17 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 4 0
  • New Idea

    May 05, 2022 4 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Create filter from spectrum

    In order for a user to create filters, they have to process spectra, record information and transcribe that into the ...

    0 コメント Dec 11, 2019 37 Views Product:PeakView Software
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  • New Idea

    Dec 11, 2019 1 PeakView Software New Idea

    Create an option to make IDA to trigger only those in inclusion list for Qtof

    sometimes we only want to collect MSMS for a specific list in IDA but currently no option to only triggered using ...

    1 コメント Jul 07, 2022 51 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Jul 07, 2022 2 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Sciex OS - More visual statistic lines in calibration

    It would be great idea if it it is possible to display more statistics in the calibration pane. 

    For ex...

    0 コメント Jul 06, 2022 15 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 1 1
  • New Idea

    Jul 06, 2022 1 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Gradient IS Voltage in analytical run to match LC gradient

    As optimal ISV changes with aqueous/organic mobile phase composition it would be good to be able to use a gradient to...

    0 コメント May 23, 2019 27 Views
  • 1 0
  • New Idea

    May 23, 2019 1 New Idea

    Data converter

    Integrated data converter and mzML reader for data evaluation

    0 コメント Dec 12, 2019 55 Views Product:PeakView Software
  • 8 0
  • New Idea

    Dec 12, 2019 8 PeakView Software New Idea

    Central Security Administration Server

    Being able to link installations of Analyst TF to a central security administration server as done in the triple quad...

    0 コメント Feb 01, 2019 32 Views Product:Analyst TF Software
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  • New Idea

    Feb 01, 2019 1 Analyst TF Software New Idea

    LC Pressure data

    Hi all. Sciex OS is a really good software, but there are some features that  #Waters  has and that we sh...

    2 コメント Nov 27, 2018 65 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 4 1
  • Resolved

    Nov 27, 2018 4 SCIEX OS Software Resolved

    Edit an Acquitision method same as excel on Analyst

    Edit an Acquitision method same as excel on Analyst

    0 コメント Apr 15, 2021 55 Views Product:Analyst Software
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  • New Idea

    Apr 15, 2021 4 Analyst Software New Idea

    Extracting MS spectra from PDA Spectrum

    We need capability to extract MS spectra from PDA spectrum. Softwares (Analyst, Peak View and SCIEX OS) doesn't have ...

    0 コメント Jul 29, 2019 28 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Jul 29, 2019 1 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Peak Not Found Button

    Peak not found button (from MQ) in DQ

    0 コメント Mar 06, 2019 38 Views Product:DiscoveryQuant Software
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  • New Idea

    Mar 06, 2019 1 DiscoveryQuant Software New Idea
  • 3 0
  • New Idea

    Apr 29, 2019 3 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Add a command to zoom to data maximum in Analytics MS/MS window

    Currently, when data MS/MS intensity is so small comparing to those in library, the mirror view of MS/MS spectra show...

    0 コメント Dec 18, 2018 31 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 1 1
  • Under Consideration

    Dec 18, 2018 1 SCIEX OS Software Under Consideration

    Add ADC option into SCIEX OS.

    Many applications require additional detector signals to be collected and analyzed alongside SCIEX MS data. Having th...

    0 コメント Apr 08, 2019 31 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Apr 08, 2019 1 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Provide Functionality to Unpack wiff files if required

    Sometimes, it would be useful to extract or unpack a subset of samples from a wiff or wiff2 file. For example, if ...

    0 コメント May 26, 2022 17 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 2 1
  • New Idea

    May 26, 2022 2 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Option to disable the automatic calibration between different MS Methods

    Due to the automatic calibration between different MS methods in the same batch (SWATH and IDA) an auto-calibration i...

    0 コメント Jul 29, 2019 33 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Jul 29, 2019 0 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    quantitation: manual integration, before/after peaks; iterative integration algorithms?

    Hello - as part of our QC review, we need a quick way of identifying manual integrations and comparing the instrument...

    0 コメント May 07, 2019 37 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
    May 07, 2019 0 SCIEX OS Software New Idea


    The LC method needs a text feild for listing the column info 

    1 コメント Jan 27, 2023 53 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Jan 27, 2023 6 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Improve Guided MRMHR method creation functionalities

    Improve Guided MRMHR method creation functionalities: 1. In automatic mode, use a step size of 1 or max. 2 V (inste...

    0 コメント Oct 07, 2019 44 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
    Oct 07, 2019 4 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Can't edit integrations and then move on with keyboard

    Can't edit integrations and then move on with keyboard. It would be nice to edit integrations and hit the arrows o...

    0 コメント Apr 28, 2023 64 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 7 0
  • New Idea

    Apr 28, 2023 7 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Interpretation pane - reconcile neutral mass in structure pane with m/z in fragment pane

    interpretation UI – it appears that too many details are provided to the user. The customer got confused regard...

    0 コメント Jun 14, 2019 25 Views Product:MetabolitePilot Software
    Jun 14, 2019 0 MetabolitePilot Software New Idea

    Processing Method components building from data explorer

    Add a feature in OS to add components to a processing method from Explorer (e.g. highlight a MS or MSMS peak and add ...

    0 コメント Feb 05, 2019 37 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Feb 05, 2019 3 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Network Acquisition on Analyst TF

    Being able to acquire data as in the Triple Quad version of Analyst would be really beneficial in a GxP env...

    0 コメント Feb 01, 2019 34 Views Product:Analyst TF Software
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  • New Idea

    Feb 01, 2019 1 Analyst TF Software New Idea

    One click saving of batches

    Sent from Japan Tabaco Inc. (JT) via Japan applications group. Customer would like the ability to save the batch be...

    0 コメント Dec 17, 2018 24 Views Product:DiscoveryQuant Software
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  • New Idea

    Dec 17, 2018 0 DiscoveryQuant Software New Idea

    Batch automation API for Sciex OS software

    Analyst software offers programmable possibilities to be integrate into automation process. we currently&...

    0 コメント Dec 20, 2019 55 Views
  • 5 0
  • New Idea

    Dec 20, 2019 5 New Idea

    Save screen layout in SCIEX OS Analytics for easy retrieval of previous workspace settings.

    When reviewing a results table in Analytics, it is common to: open the results table with specific columns visible, a...

    2 コメント Apr 08, 2019 40 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • In Progress

    Apr 08, 2019 4 SCIEX OS Software In Progress

    Add ability to use switching CDS as a switching valve within Analyst TF

    The 6600 does not come with an in-built switching valve, which for the bioanalytical community is a valubale tool in ...

    0 コメント Jul 04, 2019 26 Views Product:Analyst TF Software
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  • New Idea

    Jul 04, 2019 0 Analyst TF Software New Idea

    Bring LipidView 1.3 beta to relase canditate

    LipidView 1.3 beta is our best version for LipidView, which we have unitl now. Would be great to bring that product t...

    0 コメント May 03, 2019 45 Views Product:LipidView Software
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  • New Idea

    May 03, 2019 0 LipidView Software New Idea

    One user - different roles

    2 コメント Mar 11, 2021 55 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Mar 11, 2021 4 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Sciex OS Analytics - fixed Project Default Settings

    Like in MultiQuant

    When you edit the Project Default Settings for Quantification they should stay when you c...

    0 コメント May 10, 2022 12 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 0 1
  • New Idea

    May 10, 2022 0 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Improve Accuracy of Adduct/Charge Predictor in SCIEX OS

    During nontarget peak finding, SCIEX OS assigns a value to the "Adduct / Charge" column for each compound. Currently,...

    0 コメント Jan 26, 2019 32 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Jan 26, 2019 2 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    make sciexOS able to set Analyst data folder as default for all TQ/QT for processing

    currently we have to manually copy the data from Analyst folder to SCIEX OS folder in order to process TQ/QT data in ...

    0 コメント Dec 13, 2018 37 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 1 1
  • In Progress

    Dec 13, 2018 1 SCIEX OS Software In Progress

    Integrate Peakview functionality into Analyst

    Would be great to simplify the overlay functionality in Analyst. In qualitative analysis. 

    0 コメント Dec 03, 2018 30 Views Product:Analyst Software
  • 0 1
  • New Idea

    Dec 03, 2018 0 Analyst Software New Idea

    Insert a new sample inbetween your batch and not only at the end

    Analyst Processing Software:

    Being able to insert a new sample inbetween the existing batch and not only at...

    0 コメント Jan 21, 2022 88 Views Product:Analyst Software
  • 28 0
  • New Idea

    Jan 21, 2022 28 Analyst Software New Idea

    E-signature for Analyst and reviewer

    The software to include E-signature for Analyst and reviewer, this will ease out the review process and the option...

    0 コメント May 19, 2021 40 Views Product:Analyst Software
  • 3 1
  • New Idea

    May 19, 2021 3 Analyst Software New Idea

    Analytics- Automatic LOQ Determination based on "Used" Curve Points

    The Lower and Upper LOQ tables for each compound in Analytics could be updated automatically by the lowest and highes...

    0 コメント Feb 19, 2019 34 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Feb 19, 2019 0 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Remove the vertical line from the XIC with MRM-IDA-EPI data

    When SCIEX OS analyze MRM-IDA-EPI data, the XIC fig has a vertical line at the EPI point. Hope it have the functio...

    0 コメント May 04, 2022 8 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    May 04, 2022 0 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Auto identify higher area ion as quantitative ions and lower area as qualitative ions

    Could we auto identify higher area ion as quantitative ions and lower area as qualitative ions? Because the ion ratio...

    0 コメント Dec 26, 2018 35 Views Product:MultiQuant Software
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  • New Idea

    Dec 26, 2018 0 MultiQuant Software New Idea

    Check box option for custom columns in SCIEX OS and MultiQuant

    Option to create a custom column with check/uncheck, like that in "Used" or "Reportable". This was requested by a cus...

    0 コメント Mar 20, 2019 34 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Mar 20, 2019 1 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Support Win 10 for Lipidyzer

    Until now, there is no possibility to run Lipidyzer Platform on Win 10. Would be great to be use new Win OS for that ...

    0 コメント May 03, 2019 30 Views
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  • New Idea

    May 03, 2019 0 New Idea

    Correct the cursor bug in Formula Finder and Calculator

    It is not possible to place the cursor at the end of text string in Formula Finder and Calculator in PeakView and Dat...

    0 コメント Jan 10, 2019 34 Views Product:PeakView Software
  • 1 0
  • Under Consideration

    Jan 10, 2019 1 PeakView Software Under Consideration

    Extend more Retention Time modes to Find peaks to OS-MQ softeware

    In process method of components table,the retention time mode can set different options (Find n peaks, where n is...

    0 コメント Apr 09, 2019 25 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Apr 09, 2019 0 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    column fixation for data recovery is missing

    We upgraded to Multiquant 3.0.3 and now we have problems to get out the data in an easy way. We used to mark a column...

    0 コメント Jan 17, 2020 40 Views Product:MultiQuant Software
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  • New Idea

    Jan 17, 2020 2 MultiQuant Software New Idea

    ability to save traffic light setting in SCIEXOS

    it will be good if we can save the different traffic light setting for different purpose when we are looking through ...

    0 コメント Aug 13, 2019 33 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Aug 13, 2019 0 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    SCIEX Online Spectral Database: MS/MS Library Sharing

    Create a database on SCIEX.com where users can upload and download MS/MS libraries from other users in the SCIEX .lbp...

    0 コメント Sep 13, 2019 36 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 12 0
  • New Idea

    Sep 13, 2019 12 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Make the Analytics workspace in SCIEX OS more user-friendly

    Compared to Analyst Quantitate / MultiQuant, routine customers miss the following functionalities: - Copy/paste of ...

    1 コメント Jan 17, 2020 119 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
    Jan 17, 2020 20 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    SCIEX OS backwards compatibility to MultiQuant results tables

    Allow SCIEX OS to open MultiQuant results tables.

    1 コメント Jan 25, 2019 27 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Jan 25, 2019 3 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Analytics Nontarget Workflow- Change Integration Parameters without creating new method

    Currently, the only way to change the default integration parameters for a nontarget method is to change the default ...

    0 コメント Feb 19, 2019 29 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Feb 19, 2019 0 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Have SCIEX OS-MQ honor true significant figures

    Some of our regulated customers truly appreciate the ability to set 'Significant Figures' in Analyst. This allows val...

    0 コメント Jul 16, 2019 42 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
    Jul 16, 2019 8 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    MRM Transition Check box

    Would like to suggest a check box be placed next to MRM transitions within the MRM group to allow for only the req...

    0 コメント Sep 16, 2021 103 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 10 0
  • New Idea

    Sep 16, 2021 10 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Feature to use characteristic fragments or neutral loss to find unknowns in Analytics

    Analytics uses nontarget peak finding to create a peak list and can search the MS/MS data of this peak list against a...

    0 コメント Feb 19, 2019 31 Views
  • 2 0
  • New Idea

    Feb 19, 2019 2 New Idea

    Keyboard Shortcuts

    Comparing to MultiQuant I am missing the possibility of using shortcuts like “Ctrl + r” for starting the ...

    8 コメント Dec 27, 2018 41 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • In Progress

    Dec 27, 2018 2 SCIEX OS Software In Progress

    Record device name in audited events

    It would be very intereresting record the device name (computer name) in which a modification has been done. For e...

    0 コメント Mar 15, 2021 42 Views Product:Analyst Software
    Mar 15, 2021 1 Analyst Software New Idea

    UV spectrum library searching in SCIEX OS

    0 コメント Feb 28, 2019 32 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Feb 28, 2019 2 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Enable more than one method to be open at a time in MS and LC Method Areas

    Problem: a user may want to be able to build a new MS or LC method based closely on an older/different one. Current...

    2 コメント Nov 28, 2019 48 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
    Nov 28, 2019 27 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Integrate MarkerView into SCIEX OS

    1. Add MarkerView functionality into SCIEX OS 2. Link the MarkerView results to the main Analytics results table &a...

    0 コメント Apr 05, 2019 29 Views
  • 2 0
  • New Idea

    Apr 05, 2019 2 New Idea

    Side-by-side view of Internal Standard with Analyte Peak in Analytics

    Similar to the side-by-side view in Analyst, would like to do the same in Sciex OS.

    1 コメント Sep 09, 2021 85 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
    Sep 09, 2021 37 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Harmonization of QSession, Report and Extract names

    When using SCIEXOS-MQ to process triple quad (or QTrap) data, it would be a nice time saving feature and reduce the a...

    1 コメント May 28, 2019 28 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
    May 28, 2019 0 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Enable generating multiple reports at one time

    After a results table has been reviewd, often several different reports need to be created (a cal curve report, a QC ...

    0 コメント Aug 23, 2019 31 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Aug 23, 2019 4 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Online-SPE with SCIEX OS

    Is it possible to clean-up samples with Online-SPE before measuring with the X500R controled by SCIEX OS? Shimad...

    1 コメント Apr 18, 2019 29 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 0 0
  • Resolved

    Apr 18, 2019 0 SCIEX OS Software Resolved

    More Options for Export Component Tables in Analytics

    Add the possibility for the user to choose which columns of a component table will be exported. Background: sometim...

    0 コメント Sep 24, 2019 37 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
    Sep 24, 2019 6 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    UV traces – peak finding and manual integration enhancements

    Improve the peak finding algorithm for UV traces as for manual integration enhancements

    0 コメント Jun 14, 2019 38 Views
    Jun 14, 2019 1 New Idea

    Combine calibration curve from different batches

    I acquired three batches (each with its own calibration curves and QCs). Each batch had two calibration curves, i....

    0 コメント Jun 29, 2022 13 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 2 1
  • New Idea

    Jun 29, 2022 2 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Enabling MCA-Mode in Batch analysis

    When screening qualitatively for ligand-target interaction (e.g. Protein, DNA) MCA-Mode is a very valuable tool, d...

    0 コメント Aug 23, 2021 79 Views Product:Analyst Software
    Aug 23, 2021 2 Analyst Software New Idea

    Keep MRMs from same compound beside each other in table when sorting

    When sorting quantitation analytes in a table, have the option to keep multiple fragments from same compound next to ...

    0 コメント Sep 19, 2019 32 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Sep 19, 2019 2 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Can't view single compound real time easily

    You can't hit the arrow to go to the next sample as it is real time. You have to open and select. Then when you lo...

    0 コメント Apr 28, 2023 50 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 0 0
  • New Idea

    Apr 28, 2023 0 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Constant cycle time in IDA methods

    Currently, the cycle time in IDA methods is not constant, depending on if and how many precursors are triggered for M...

    0 コメント Apr 05, 2019 38 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
    Apr 05, 2019 1 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Generic LIMS Vendor automatic interface API using Industry Standard Protocols like AnIML

    Many Pharma, Contract, Clinical & Hospital, users of SCIEX OS use specific LIMS systems designed for sp...

    0 コメント Oct 21, 2019 43 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 6 0
  • New Idea

    Oct 21, 2019 6 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Enable time scheduling for MRM HR acquisition

    I believeon the latest Analyst TF software upgrade there  is no restrictions on how many MRM HR experiment we ca...

    0 コメント Jul 17, 2019 28 Views Product:Analyst TF Software
    Jul 17, 2019 0 Analyst TF Software New Idea

    Auto-Triggered Processing

    When acquisition of the data is complete, automatically start processing the data so when I sit down to look at the r...

    0 コメント Oct 12, 2018 26 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 0 1
  • In Progress

    Oct 12, 2018 0 SCIEX OS Software In Progress

    Adjust install wizard process window size

    Make the window for the request for license during install wizard process readable (the size of the text is too big a...

    0 コメント Jun 13, 2019 30 Views Product:MultiQuant Software
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  • New Idea

    Jun 13, 2019 0 MultiQuant Software New Idea

    All Samples in the DAR chart

    Add a tag for report to have All Samples in the DAR chart as on the software . The DAR chart is only vaialble fo...

    0 コメント Jul 26, 2019 27 Views Product:BioPharmaView Software
  • 0 0
  • New Idea

    Jul 26, 2019 0 BioPharmaView Software New Idea

    .qmethod and .qsession compatibility for Quantitation workflows across SCIEX OS

    Ability to open, modify and apply .qmethods and .qsessions for compatible workflows across different license optio...

    0 コメント May 27, 2021 51 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 6 0
  • New Idea

    May 27, 2021 6 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Allow specification of Control sample for auto processing

    Auto processing should be able to do a control vs sample comparison for unknown screening as this can be a time-consu...

    0 コメント Oct 13, 2019 24 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
    Oct 13, 2019 6 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Ability to process multiple injections in one sample file in SCIEX OS

    Some of our high throughput customers currently use systems that collect multiple injections into one sample. MultiQu...

    0 コメント Mar 13, 2019 29 Views
    Mar 13, 2019 2 New Idea

    DiscoveryQuant Peak Selection Button

    Analyst peak selection button in DiscoveryQuant

    0 コメント Mar 06, 2019 35 Views Product:DiscoveryQuant Software
  • 1 0
  • New Idea

    Mar 06, 2019 1 DiscoveryQuant Software New Idea

    We need more then 1000 samples in the queue

    our customers work with 384 well plates.

    1000 samples means meassuring aroung 2 1/2 w...

    0 コメント Nov 17, 2022 87 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
    Nov 17, 2022 8 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Enable the 250 Da/s ER scan for the 7500 QTRAP

    On previous versions of the QTRAP system we could run an ER scan at 250 Da/s, which provided (1) the ability to re...

    0 コメント Nov 14, 2023 37 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 0 0
  • New Idea

    Nov 14, 2023 0 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Sciex OS User Name

    I would like to have a column User Name in the table (name of the person logged in Sciex OS) and be able to export th...

    0 コメント Dec 02, 2019 53 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Dec 02, 2019 3 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Enable SciexOS to receive and run MultiQuant Queries

    For our custom Query, several months of development went into designing and validating it for quick and powerful d...

    0 コメント Mar 07, 2022 64 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 9 0
  • New Idea

    Mar 07, 2022 9 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Addition of the Equivalent of 'Mixed Mode' to Sciex OS

    Many of our customers use "Mixed Mode" for Analyst Security database so they can have one group login for Windows, th...

    3 コメント May 07, 2019 30 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 0 0
  • In Progress

    May 07, 2019 0 SCIEX OS Software In Progress
    Jan 21, 2019 1 New Idea

    Agilent Multisampler editing of custom vial plates

    need possibility to edit customer vial plates for Agilent Multisampler (i.e. to use Eppendorf vial plates, functio...

    0 コメント May 05, 2022 9 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 1 0
  • New Idea

    May 05, 2022 1 SCIEX OS Software New Idea
  • 0 1
  • New Idea

    Dec 14, 2018 0 MultiQuant Software New Idea

    Have Agilent DAD G7115A work with Analyst software

    A customer in Japan wants to have Agilent DAD G7115A work with QT4500 with Analyst software.  Compatibility m...

    0 コメント Nov 18, 2021 54 Views Product:Analyst Software
  • 0 1
  • New Idea

    Nov 18, 2021 0 Analyst Software New Idea

    Allow modification of user-editable columns in Analytics via Custom Calculations

    It would be useful to users to allow a processing method to change the values of a user-editable column i...

    0 コメント Jan 29, 2023 49 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Jan 29, 2023 3 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Increase LibraryView capabilites to work with large libraries

    LibrayView does not work with libraries in excess of approximately 20,000 compounds.  For example, All-in-One an...

    2 コメント Feb 05, 2019 40 Views Product:LibraryView Software
  • 1 0
  • Under Consideration

    Feb 05, 2019 1 LibraryView Software Under Consideration

    Option to switch on/off the baseline subtraction and/or deconvolution by PCA of SWATH spectra

    Currently, the user has no control if deconvolution of SWATH spectra is done or not. It is possible to set the qualit...

    0 コメント Apr 05, 2019 31 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
    Apr 05, 2019 2 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Increase available functions to custom calculations

    The Custom Calculations section in SCIEX OS is very useful but I would like to see more functionality included In fut...

    0 コメント Jul 17, 2019 30 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 3 0
  • New Idea

    Jul 17, 2019 3 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    A way to 'hide' accuracy and calculated concentrated values

    Some users would like a quick way that they can blind the actual results (Accuracy values for Standards and QC's) as ...

    0 コメント May 24, 2019 27 Views
    May 24, 2019 0 New Idea

    Allow sub folders for results files specified in auto processing

    Auto processing allows us to give a name to our results file. It would be ideal if we could also specify a subfolder ...

    0 コメント Oct 13, 2019 33 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
    Oct 13, 2019 6 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    DiscoveryQuant with SCIEX OS

    DiscoveryQuant working with Sciex-OS

    0 コメント Mar 07, 2019 31 Views Product:DiscoveryQuant Software
  • 6 0
  • Under Consideration

    Mar 07, 2019 6 DiscoveryQuant Software Under Consideration

    Sciex OS Analytics - static ammount of peaks in Peak window

    Like in multiQuant.

    In the peak review the amount of peaks to be shown should always be like I stet in the p...

    0 コメント May 10, 2022 14 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    May 10, 2022 0 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Custom or Alternative wording for Flags instead of just "Failed"

    As a user, sometimes it can be confusing to search for a "Failed" result, even though really it has "passed" the f...

    0 コメント Mar 18, 2021 52 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
    Mar 18, 2021 11 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Provide scheduled MRM HR with dedicated collision energies functionality

    What I miss in Analyst TF is a funcionality for scheduled MRM HR with dedicated collision energies, as it is availabl...

    0 コメント Apr 24, 2019 39 Views Product:Analyst TF Software
    Apr 24, 2019 1 Analyst TF Software New Idea

    Provide biotoolkit support to concurrent SCIEX OS licenses

    Now I have to buy node-locked copies of biotoolkit in order to do my research. This defeats the purpose of a concurre...

    0 コメント Apr 17, 2019 38 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 1 0
  • New Idea

    Apr 17, 2019 1 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Analyst TF (TripleTOF systems): ITC for MS/MS based on precursor intensity

    In Analyst TF, the ITC in MS/MS mode currently regulates the ion beam based on the ion densitiy in the TOF-MS scan. I...

    0 コメント Jun 19, 2019 38 Views Product:Analyst TF Software
    Jun 19, 2019 0 Analyst TF Software New Idea

    Storing Tuning Solution Lot Number and Expiry into Tuning functions

    To better assist and track instrument performance as well as provide a higher degree of compliance in a regulated env...

    0 コメント Apr 17, 2019 27 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Apr 17, 2019 2 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Show the last time a particular mode or scan was calibrated in SCIEX OS method editor

    Sometimes, as a user, it is not trivial to obtain information about when a system was last calibrated. For example...

    0 コメント Jul 11, 2022 34 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Jul 11, 2022 3 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Analytics Nontarget- Using replicates

    Analytics treats each sample as an individual item in nontarget peak finding. However, the workflow could be greatly ...

    0 コメント Feb 19, 2019 31 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Feb 19, 2019 1 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    SCIEX OS needs real sub projects

    It seem s that SCIEX OS got rid of sub projects. The data subproject is not very usefull. In most Pharma drug deve...

    0 コメント Jul 06, 2022 84 Views Product:SCIEX OS
  • 4 0
  • New Idea

    Jul 06, 2022 4 SCIEX OS New Idea

    Batched updates for processing methods

    During a processing session, each time I adjust the processing method for a component and wish to apply that change, ...

    0 コメント Oct 31, 2019 44 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
    Oct 31, 2019 4 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    add function in SCIEX OS Analytics to process different compounds according to plate map

    In super high throughput assays, user have multiple compounds sample clusters/rows/columns that only associated with ...

    0 コメント Mar 11, 2019 30 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Mar 11, 2019 0 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Process using multiple method per sample automatically

    I would like to process using multiple method per sample automatically.

    I requests it can use multiple metho...

    0 コメント Dec 06, 2021 64 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Dec 06, 2021 9 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Reporter should use Meta file, not bitmap

    When creating a report of graphs, the picture should be meta file, not be bitmap because of resolution.

    1 コメント Aug 28, 2019 31 Views Product:MultiQuant Software
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  • New Idea

    Aug 28, 2019 1 MultiQuant Software New Idea

    Simplify how LC methods are handled when hardware profile has changed

    Currently, if a user of SCIEX OS adds a module to the ExionLC or Shimadzu stack and edits the hardware profile, all t...

    0 コメント Nov 26, 2019 46 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
    Nov 26, 2019 11 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Concentration calculation based on purity of the analytes

    Hello Sciex Software Support, We are currently using QTOF x500R with Sciex OS v 1.5. We would like to set the purit...

    1 コメント May 17, 2019 36 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    May 17, 2019 0 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Show submit status in Batches of Sciex OS (submitted 1 etc)

    Analyst Batch shows if a sample has already been submitted and if how often it has been submitted. This is current...

    0 コメント Mar 03, 2021 100 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 7 0
  • New Idea

    Mar 03, 2021 7 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Analyst 1.7 installation default license install to configure Analyst security settings.

    When Analyst 1.7 is loaded, it doesn’t have any default “30-day trial” license that iapplied automa...

    0 コメント Apr 10, 2019 45 Views Product:Analyst Software
  • 1 0
  • New Idea

    Apr 10, 2019 1 Analyst Software New Idea

    Enable Sciex-OS to recognize multiple Internal Standards as MultiQuant 3.0.3

    When using the Automatic Method in Sciex-OS to process multiple .wiff files containing the same internal standard ...

    0 コメント May 02, 2022 15 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 1 0
  • New Idea

    May 02, 2022 1 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Hide/show pink spectrum trace in SCIEX OS Analytics for library matching of SWATH data

    When a library search with SWATH data is performed in SciexOS Analytics the deconvoluted SWATH spectrum is shown in b...

    0 コメント Oct 30, 2019 32 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
    Oct 30, 2019 7 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Ability for user to choose the best MSMS with best library score but not by intensity for x500 data in Analytics

    there are many cases where the MSMS with higher score are not choosen in the Analytics for IDA data processing for hi...

    0 コメント Aug 19, 2019 48 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Aug 19, 2019 6 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Allow better data pipeiine support for wiff and wiff2 files

    As an academic researcher, I need to have a data file format that can be fed into our custom pipelines. Having to ...

    0 コメント Mar 06, 2023 65 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Mar 06, 2023 3 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Server based Library searching

    Modify LibraryView software to permit a networked library for searching.  Currently, libraries must be installed...

    0 コメント Feb 05, 2019 23 Views Product:LibraryView Software
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  • New Idea

    Feb 05, 2019 1 LibraryView Software New Idea

    Additional chromatographic traces to be displayed in UI

    additional chromatographic traces to be displayed in UI. The customer requested “Control Metabolite Trace&rdquo...

    0 コメント Jun 14, 2019 36 Views
    Jun 14, 2019 0 New Idea

    In OS Analytics bring Compound Class and into Results Table

    In LibraryView users can add Class information to compounds.  I would like the Class information to be pulled in...

    0 コメント Jan 17, 2019 30 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Jan 17, 2019 1 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Create a Library purity tag for the reporter for SCIEXOS report

    There is no dedicated reporter tag for library purity, it will be good if we can create such tag so that we can print...

    0 コメント May 07, 2019 52 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    May 07, 2019 5 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    XIC width on Integration Tab in ppm or Da

    On the integration tab in the processing method, include the option to set the XIC width in ppm or mDa, just like in ...

    0 コメント Apr 05, 2019 34 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
    Apr 05, 2019 0 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    In DiscoveryQuant, integrate additional information into the Wiff file

    When non-Sciex duplexing systems are used, some of the sample information is stored in DiscoveryQuant files and is no...

    0 コメント Jun 19, 2019 35 Views Product:DiscoveryQuant Software
    Jun 19, 2019 1 DiscoveryQuant Software New Idea

    Include PTM localisation scoring in ProteinPilot

    Include some type of scoring in ProteinPilot (OK I'll say it - something like "Ascore"...) to discriminate the variou...

    0 コメント Jan 13, 2019 36 Views Product:ProteinPilot Software
    Jan 13, 2019 0 ProteinPilot Software New Idea

    MultiQuant Reporter Template Editor

    Make editing templates easier.

    0 コメント Aug 28, 2019 36 Views Product:MultiQuant Software
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  • New Idea

    Aug 28, 2019 2 MultiQuant Software New Idea

    SciexOS - Peak Review with user defined colors

    It would be a great idea if you SciexOS would colorize the peak windows with user defined colors.
    Bepending on ...

    0 コメント Jul 07, 2022 51 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Jul 07, 2022 5 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Blank substraction and calibration curve

    Possibility to subtract a blank from the standards and build the corresponding calibration curve. Very useful for cus...

    0 コメント Feb 18, 2019 33 Views
  • 0 0
  • New Idea

    Feb 18, 2019 0 New Idea

    Traceability of External Calibration in OS Analytics

    When using External Calibration, it would be great if traceability for reviewers would be better.

    For exampl...

    0 コメント Jun 10, 2022 22 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Jun 10, 2022 0 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Upgrade Acquisition and control for 6500 TripleQuad to SCIEX OS

    Support the 6500 TripleQuad with SCIEX OS for acquisition control.

    0 コメント Oct 12, 2018 36 Views Product:Analyst Software
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  • Under Consideration

    Oct 12, 2018 0 Analyst Software Under Consideration

    Allow SCIEX OS to access network location for report templates

    With many installations on a server-based license system (or even with node-locked installations), it would be benefi...

    0 コメント Aug 14, 2019 41 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
    Aug 14, 2019 4 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Mobile phase gradient graph in Analyt Device Driver

    Enable "HPLC mobile phase gradient x time" graph in Analyst Device Driver. It makes easier to make changes when de...

    0 コメント Mar 15, 2021 44 Views Product:Analyst Software
    Mar 15, 2021 8 Analyst Software New Idea

    Analytics Filters- Use numerical instead of text

    The filters at the top of the columns in Analytics currently filter based on very strange algorithms that usually sho...

    0 コメント Feb 19, 2019 34 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Feb 19, 2019 0 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Define mass range to import compounds from library in SciexOS

    This is meant to be intented to fit the mass range of library to the mass range of your raw data, focusing the analys...

    0 コメント May 22, 2019 29 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    May 22, 2019 0 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Customize report in Analytics

    Add the possibility to customize reports for biopharma users in Analytics. Example : add information from table vie...

    0 コメント Jan 21, 2019 29 Views
    Jan 21, 2019 0 New Idea

    option of automatically capture retention time when add spectrum to library

    In Sciex OS Analytics result table, MS/MS view, currently, right-click will let user add that spectrum to a library. ...

    1 コメント Dec 13, 2018 35 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Dec 13, 2018 2 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    MultiQuant ReporterTemplate

    Customer asks/requests  In Peak review pane, the x axis label is time,min but y axis label is 'intensity', no...

    0 コメント May 17, 2019 31 Views Product:MultiQuant Software
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  • New Idea

    May 17, 2019 0 MultiQuant Software New Idea

    >1000 samples in queue

    We really need >1000 samples in the Queue.
    If we prepare > 4 studies e.g. to be measured over the weekend...

    0 コメント Nov 15, 2022 59 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 7 0
  • New Idea

    Nov 15, 2022 7 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Add comment to LC methods

    I wish to add comment feature to LC methods (in OS) so that LC methods contain mobile phase and column info. This ...

    1 コメント Mar 16, 2022 74 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Mar 16, 2022 26 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Ability to output the Audit Trail Manager Data for an instrument in CSV format

    Afternoon The software records various pieces of data about samples being run in real time (Audit Trail Manager). ...

    0 コメント Jun 20, 2019 30 Views Product:Analyst TF Software
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  • New Idea

    Jun 20, 2019 0 Analyst TF Software New Idea

    Saving function for the processing in Explorer

    Add the possiblity to save spectra from any processing with the raw data

    1 コメント Jan 21, 2019 48 Views
    Jan 21, 2019 5 New Idea

    Better reliability of "Adduct/Charge" predictor

    Currently, during nontarget Analysis, Analytics predicts the charge state of an unknown based on other peaks in the i...

    0 コメント Feb 19, 2019 35 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 1 0
  • New Idea

    Feb 19, 2019 1 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Display the approval of the superior in the result table

    In order to make electronic records, approval by a superior on electronic data is mandatory. However, it is inconveni...

    1 コメント Feb 03, 2020 70 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 5 1
  • New Idea

    Feb 03, 2020 5 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Local language

    We would like to use local language on SCIEX OS.

    0 コメント Apr 13, 2021 36 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Apr 13, 2021 2 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Delete specific analytes from SCIEX OS Analytics; not have to go to Method file

    For those of us that have XIC lists/libraries that we use, it would be great if we can delete an analyte from the Ana...

    2 コメント Aug 30, 2019 48 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 7 0
  • New Idea

    Aug 30, 2019 7 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Mass defect filtering in Sciex OS result table

    It would be very helpful if you could filter results in a result table according to mass defect like in the IDA explo...

    0 コメント Apr 13, 2019 41 Views
    Apr 13, 2019 0 New Idea

    highlight outliers directly in the chromatogram

    It would be great in Sciex Os analytics, if a outlier via flagging rule or calculated column occurs to highlight t...

    0 コメント Dec 01, 2022 93 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
    Dec 01, 2022 3 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    A 'Quick Change' button for Databases

    The only way to currenlty change the database is through the Database Selection Tool. This is great when setting up p...

    0 コメント Oct 08, 2019 36 Views Product:DiscoveryQuant Software
    Oct 08, 2019 2 DiscoveryQuant Software New Idea

    Reset divert valve when CDS is used for autocalibration in batch run

    My method has diverting at the front 0-2 min, therefore no LC is going through when CDS autocalibration is running. A...

    0 コメント Nov 14, 2019 35 Views Product:Analyst TF Software
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  • New Idea

    Nov 14, 2019 0 Analyst TF Software New Idea

    MS/MS Precursor Mass accuracy and Smart Confirmation MS/MS Match Warning

    Smart Confirmation MS/MS matches occur when the name of a compound in the components list does not match the name of ...

    0 コメント Feb 19, 2019 29 Views
  • 0 0
  • New Idea

    Feb 19, 2019 0 New Idea

    More information for the Quickcheck/Tuning reports

    Currently no information about the source parameters is provided in the created reports for Quickcheck/Tuning. To bet...

    0 コメント Jan 14, 2020 47 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 4 0
  • New Idea

    Jan 14, 2020 4 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Overlay of the pressure curves in the TIC for trobleshooting

    The pressure curves (LC Traces of the pumps) are displayed separately to the TIC and are helpful, but it would be ...

    2 コメント Feb 24, 2021 106 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 14 0
  • New Idea

    Feb 24, 2021 14 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Revision or addition to Scheduled Ionization features.

    Current SCIEX systems with recent Analyst (and I'm assuming SCIEX OS) have a feature called Scheduled Ionization...

    1 コメント Feb 02, 2022 64 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 1 0
  • New Idea

    Feb 02, 2022 1 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Add the ability to export Calculated Columns to be able to use in other SCIEX OS processing method

    add the ability to export Calculated Columns from SCIEX OS processing method to be able to import into other processi...

    0 コメント May 14, 2019 28 Views
    May 14, 2019 1 New Idea

    Averaging sample data from duplicate samples

    It is now possible to get the mean of the standards and QCs using GETSTATS but it would be good if this could exte...

    0 コメント Feb 10, 2021 66 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 13 0
  • New Idea

    Feb 10, 2021 13 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Expected RT should have at least 3 decimal places in Quantitative Processing

    Need more accuracy to assign Expected RT in Quantitative Processing. Currently 2 decimal places are not enough.&...

    3 コメント Nov 19, 2019 58 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 5 1
  • New Idea

    Nov 19, 2019 5 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Make the chemspider search window in Analytics printable (create a print icon)

    Customers like the chemspider search within Analytics but we have no way to get it printed out. Printscreen is not...

    0 コメント Mar 29, 2021 60 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 13 0
  • New Idea

    Mar 29, 2021 13 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Editing of submitted batches

    From Japan Tabaco Inc. (JT) via Japan Applications group. Customer would like to edit a batch that is already in th...

    0 コメント Dec 17, 2018 34 Views Product:DiscoveryQuant Software
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  • New Idea

    Dec 17, 2018 0 DiscoveryQuant Software New Idea

    More functions for calculated columns in SCIEX OS

    SCIEX OS 1.5 has the feature of calculated columns with several useful functions, including mean, max, absolute value...

    1 コメント Jan 26, 2019 43 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 0 0
  • New Idea

    Jan 26, 2019 0 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Sciex OS - Submit Samples

    It would be great to see in SciexOS, what samples are submitted and which not.
    Like in Analyst

    0 コメント May 16, 2022 16 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 3 1
  • New Idea

    May 16, 2022 3 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Reset LC Errors without having to ReActivate Hardware Profile

    The ability to reset LC (Shimadzu) errors without having to Deactivate/Reactivate the hardware profile should be b...

    1 コメント Jun 03, 2021 85 Views Product:Analyst Software
  • 41 0
  • New Idea

    Jun 03, 2021 41 Analyst Software New Idea

    Sciex OS software compatibility with remote desktop environments

    We have the multiple shared licences option instead of having dedicated computers with standalone licences in a pr...

    0 コメント Aug 10, 2021 51 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 3 0
  • New Idea

    Aug 10, 2021 3 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Windows 10 Compatibility for Analyst TF

    Make the Analyst TF software compatible with Windows 10.  

    0 コメント Nov 18, 2018 30 Views Product:Analyst TF Software
  • 0 1
  • Resolved

    Nov 18, 2018 0 Analyst TF Software Resolved

    MGF converter in Peak View V. 2.2

    I would like to add the MGF convertor tools in the latest version on the peak view 2.2  similiar it used to have...

    1 コメント Apr 26, 2019 28 Views Product:PeakView Software
  • 1 0
  • New Idea

    Apr 26, 2019 1 PeakView Software New Idea

    Use different integration algorithms in one processing method

    Include an option to select the integration algorithm indivually for each analyte.

    0 コメント Apr 05, 2019 44 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
    Apr 05, 2019 1 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Include a simple client usage analytics tool in concurrent licensing

    Now I have to send the flexnet log file to SCIEX to understand how my clients are using the software. It would be ver...

    0 コメント Apr 17, 2019 35 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 1 0
  • New Idea

    Apr 17, 2019 1 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Copy image to MS word

    hi there, Here is the new feature request of SCIEXOS.  We want to add a feature that can copy image in Analytic...

    0 コメント Jun 03, 2019 36 Views
  • 0 0
  • New Idea

    Jun 03, 2019 0 New Idea

    Enhance Mode in MS/MS in Sciex OS for X500R

    Include the option "enhance fragment" in MS/MS on the X500R, similar to the TripleTOFs. The Enhance mode significantl...

    0 コメント Jun 19, 2019 35 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
    Jun 19, 2019 1 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Allow simple fixed time frame options for gerneration of support package

    To make the generation of support packages easier and faster, it would be a great and simple addition to include a...

    0 コメント Jul 13, 2022 42 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 4 0
  • New Idea

    Jul 13, 2022 4 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Save button in Analytics

    Put a save button in Analytics in addition to shortcut keys

    0 コメント Apr 10, 2019 29 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
    Apr 10, 2019 2 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Function to add MS/MS spectra to Libraries in Explorer Mode

    Currently, a very simple tool is available to add library spectra in SCIEX OS in Analytics. This tool allows the MS/M...

    0 コメント Feb 19, 2019 54 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 1 0
  • New Idea

    Feb 19, 2019 1 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    automated assignments of external calibrations in Sx OS

    Would like to automate assigning external calibrations to results in Sx OS.  For example, typically six or so...

    0 コメント Aug 11, 2023 47 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 3 0
  • New Idea

    Aug 11, 2023 3 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Provide SWATH functionality in OS-Q/MQ

    Now I have to have a copy peakview installed along with SCIEX OS-Q on my tripletof acquisition computer in order to d...

    0 コメント Apr 17, 2019 34 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 1 0
  • New Idea

    Apr 17, 2019 1 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Give user control to set library priority

    When one does library search the search sequence is unknown (seems like based on alphabetical library list). When sam...

    0 コメント Feb 21, 2019 32 Views
  • 1 0
  • New Idea

    Feb 21, 2019 1 New Idea
  • 0 0
  • New Idea

    May 09, 2019 0 PeakView Software New Idea

    Set the intensity threshold for spectra matching in a library search to absolute values

    Currently, the intensity threshold in the library search options in a processing method refers to the relative intens...

    0 コメント Apr 05, 2019 35 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
    Apr 05, 2019 1 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    ability to do library search in explorer

    It will be good if we can do quick library search in explorer mode if sometimes we only want to check on 1 or 2 suspi...

    0 コメント Jun 07, 2019 37 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 3 0
  • New Idea

    Jun 07, 2019 3 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Better reliability of "Adduct/Charge" predictor

    Currently, during nontarget Analysis, Analytics predicts the charge state of an unknown based on other peaks in the i...

    0 コメント Feb 19, 2019 28 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 0 0
  • New Idea

    Feb 19, 2019 0 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    To make isotope pattern as a file that can be exported/imported

    1) it would be nice to be able to import and export the patterns. 2) It would also be nice to be able to highlight ...

    0 コメント Dec 11, 2019 44 Views Product:ProteinPilot Software
  • 4 0
  • New Idea

    Dec 11, 2019 4 ProteinPilot Software New Idea

    Ability to use MPX system for Optimization in DiscoveryQuant

    The ability to use an MPX system for Optimization in DiscoveryQuant is currently not present. It would be really grea...

    0 コメント Oct 03, 2019 31 Views Product:DiscoveryQuant Software
    Oct 03, 2019 0 DiscoveryQuant Software New Idea

    Default method parameters in SCIEX OS

    Allow users to modify default method parameters in SCIEX OS.  For example, for TOF MS scans the default DP is 80...

    0 コメント Feb 05, 2019 31 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 4 0
  • Under Consideration

    Feb 05, 2019 4 SCIEX OS Software Under Consideration

    regarding result file

    Want to export the items we need in the text file optionally when the analysis data is export automatically after ...

    0 コメント Feb 17, 2021 53 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 3 0
  • New Idea

    Feb 17, 2021 3 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Should be able to direct print all visible columns in Result table of Analytics

    Currenly only a few columns are printed out. It will be great if all visible columns can be printed in Resu...

    0 コメント Nov 19, 2019 29 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 14 1
  • New Idea

    Nov 19, 2019 14 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Improve Sum Multiple Ions in SCIEX OS Analytics

    Currently, the sum multiple ions feature uses group names to automatically create additional components in the batch ...

    1 コメント Mar 15, 2019 36 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 4 0
  • New Idea

    Mar 15, 2019 4 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    In Sciex OS-MQ, the ability to read multiple injection data from non-Sciex systems

    When non-Sciex duplexing systems are used, some of the sample information is stored in DiscoveryQuant files and is no...

    0 コメント Jun 19, 2019 33 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
    Jun 19, 2019 1 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Sciex OS software needs quadratic through zero option

    Certain EPA methods and other methods require a curve fit that is forced through zero or the origin. The only opti...

    2 コメント Mar 30, 2021 173 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
    Mar 30, 2021 18 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Batch processing in SciexOS

    Would be great to have a "worklist" in SciexOS which allows to select samples and corresponding methods and success...

    0 コメント Jan 17, 2019 42 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 4 0
  • New Idea

    Jan 17, 2019 4 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Local (offline) OneOmics results reader

    The current OneOmics system lacks the ability to easily share the data with collaborators.  Previously you could...

    0 コメント Nov 29, 2018 29 Views Product:OneOmics
  • 0 1
  • New Idea

    Nov 29, 2018 0 OneOmics New Idea

    Include more logical functions into Calculated Columns, IF OR AND in particular.

    Lower barrier of entry and ease transition into SCIEX OS for existing established MultiQuant queries users

    2 コメント Sep 06, 2019 42 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 10 0
  • New Idea

    Sep 06, 2019 10 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Removal of N/A from the reports of untargeted compounds

    Under non targeted peaks and area ratio threshold have a check box to set N/A to zero (or remover N/A)  so only ...

    0 コメント Jul 05, 2019 31 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 3 0
  • New Idea

    Jul 05, 2019 3 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Enable Optiflow Pro Source to be used for 6500+ testing on EchoMS System

    As an EchoMS operator, I would like to be able to rapidly test the MS component without having to change the sourc...

    0 コメント Jul 14, 2021 30 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
  • 7 1
  • New Idea

    Jul 14, 2021 7 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Possibility to add Small Molecule Loss grouping with Adducts?

    I really like the feature of grouping peaks by adducts/charge. However, sometimes analytes are known to undergo in-so...

    0 コメント Jun 21, 2019 40 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
    Jun 21, 2019 3 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Shimadzu pressure trace in Analyst software

    Enable pressure trace for Shimadzu systems to be saved with wiff file.

    3 コメント Apr 10, 2019 79 Views Product:Analyst Software
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  • In Progress

    Apr 10, 2019 8 Analyst Software In Progress

    Equivalent of Discovery Quant in SciexOS

    Discovery Quant is crucial to high throughput ADME screening. Integration of the softwares need to happen ASAP!

    0 コメント May 02, 2022 11 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    May 02, 2022 3 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    More options to visualize the data in SCIEX OS eg Toggle tab mode, hide pane

    A customer request - customer will not change to sciex OS as the way they review data is using the Toggle Tab mode (i...

    0 コメント Aug 23, 2019 33 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Aug 23, 2019 2 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Queue Manager for Protein Pilot

    A tool to help submitting several samples with different search settings. A tool that will decide when to proces the ...

    0 コメント May 09, 2019 26 Views
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  • New Idea

    May 09, 2019 1 New Idea

    Show statistics on selection during infusion at high flow

    If we accept the premise that optimisation is best when variation in signal is minimum then having tools to evalua...

    0 コメント Jul 13, 2022 35 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Jul 13, 2022 2 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    LC pressure data in real time at the same time able to control LC

    In Sciex OS, the LC pressure (for ExionLC) information is available (to display). However, it is not in real time ...

    0 コメント Jun 09, 2022 22 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Jun 09, 2022 4 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Copy and paste feature on Analytics

    Our customers use Analytics onSCIEXOS2.2. They want to Copy and paste Chromatgrams and calibration curve  to ...

    0 コメント Jun 13, 2022 18 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Jun 13, 2022 1 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Ability to do PCA analysis across different MS experiments

    This feature would enable PCA analysis using raw SWATH data, ideal in the search of markers.

    0 コメント Sep 24, 2019 26 Views Product:MarkerView Software
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  • New Idea

    Sep 24, 2019 3 MarkerView Software New Idea

    Aligning UV/DAD trace(s) with MS and MS/MS data.

    Quality control analysis as well as analysis of leachables and extractables require UV/DAD trace analysis. The curr...

    2 コメント Feb 12, 2019 39 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Feb 12, 2019 1 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Update ProteinPilot - stop using Excel macros, improved visuals and better PTM analysis

    ProteinPilot 5 is much the same now as in version 4, visuals are not publication quality, it is incredibly fiddly to ...

    0 コメント Nov 29, 2018 23 Views Product:ProteinPilot Software
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  • New Idea

    Nov 29, 2018 1 ProteinPilot Software New Idea

    please add more column options in OS Analytics table

    I'd like to have Formula Mass, and Accuracy between Formula Mass vs. Found Mass. Right now, this information can only...

    0 コメント Feb 21, 2019 35 Views
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  • New Idea

    Feb 21, 2019 0 New Idea

    Lightsight 2.3.1 to support Exion LC AD

    Lightsight 2.3.1 does not support Exion LC AD. How can we fix this?

    1 コメント Apr 25, 2019 25 Views Product:Analyst Software
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  • New Idea

    Apr 25, 2019 0 Analyst Software New Idea

    Compound identification Analytics: Categorized structural database (ChemSpider or self-create in house library)

    Challenges: A single chemical formula will be searched against the entire database resulting in hundreds of possi...

    1 コメント Dec 20, 2018 35 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Dec 20, 2018 3 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Undock Standard Curve

    Would like to undock the standard curve pane, just like you can undock peak review pane in Sciex OS.

    1 コメント Sep 09, 2021 53 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
    Sep 09, 2021 5 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Import/Export of Filters

    It would be helpful to be able to import and export filter patterns (then they could be stored with the data)  T...

    0 コメント Dec 11, 2019 40 Views Product:PeakView Software
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  • New Idea

    Dec 11, 2019 0 PeakView Software New Idea

    External calibrations visible in the peak review pane

    When I use an external calibration for an analyte, the chosen calibration should be visible in the peak review pane.

    0 コメント Apr 03, 2019 44 Views Product:MultiQuant Software
    Apr 03, 2019 2 MultiQuant Software New Idea

    Freeze samples name on tables

    It would be nice to have the the sample name column frozen so that you can see it all the time even when you have a l...

    2 コメント Jun 20, 2019 48 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Jun 20, 2019 9 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    SciexOS equivalent of the Analyst Administrator Console

    The Analyst Administrator Console is very useful when managing multiple instruments and workstations as it guarant...

    1 コメント Aug 06, 2021 35 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Aug 06, 2021 5 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Copy window in PeakView

    Allow user to 'Copy window', in order to export images as meta file format like competitor's software does.

    0 コメント Aug 28, 2019 27 Views Product:PeakView Software
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  • New Idea

    Aug 28, 2019 2 PeakView Software New Idea

    Fields to follow GLP requirements in Sciex OS

    To follow GLP requirements at BASF we need in the LC (Shimadzu LC 40) pump modul a field for the solvent compositi...

    0 コメント Jul 04, 2022 24 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Jul 04, 2022 2 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Waters Acquity Driver run as a service

    Unlike the Agilent Device Driver, the Waters Driver Pack does not run as a service, causing the driver to stop when a...

    0 コメント Dec 04, 2019 54 Views Product:Analyst Software
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  • New Idea

    Dec 04, 2019 3 Analyst Software New Idea

    Sciex OS users configuration and more

    In my opinion, it was very useful the option into the Analyst "security modes" ( "mixed mode" and "integrated mo...

    0 コメント Nov 29, 2018 38 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
    Nov 29, 2018 0 SCIEX OS Software Rejected

    Smart Sequencing

    Smart sequencing, i.e., when we have an analysis we want the computer software to inject a solvent when a q...

    0 コメント Nov 26, 2018 32 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • Under Consideration

    Nov 26, 2018 1 SCIEX OS Software Under Consideration

    LC Gradient window too small

    LC gradient window is too small and should be able to expand

    0 コメント Apr 28, 2023 53 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Apr 28, 2023 1 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    sharing structures across MP results that belong to the same parent drug

    Could be either an easy import / export or rely on the Correlation workspace that will need to be re-designed to show...

    0 コメント Jun 14, 2019 32 Views Product:MetabolitePilot Software
    Jun 14, 2019 0 MetabolitePilot Software New Idea

    Compound identification: Fully-automated database searching and MSMS structural elucidation (experimental VS theoretical)

    Challenges: SCIEX OS is unable to conduct automated non-targeted metabolites searching, greatly limiting its data...

    0 コメント Dec 20, 2018 59 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Dec 20, 2018 1 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Capability to open only one library instead all the libraries when you want to add a new compound into the components Table.

    In case you want to add a new compound in the "Components Table" you are obliged to download all the information abou...

    0 コメント Dec 18, 2018 30 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Dec 18, 2018 0 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Sciex OS>MS Method>Print - the PDF needs improvement on MRM table

    In Sciex OS, when you go to "Print" the method details in the MS Method area, a PDF is created. 


    0 コメント Jul 29, 2022 52 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
    Jul 29, 2022 3 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    please back correlate FormulaFinder results with Library Hits results

    Right now in Analytics result table, the FormulaFinder result sometimes doesn't match to the Library Hits result, i.e...

    1 コメント Feb 21, 2019 33 Views
  • 1 0
  • New Idea

    Feb 21, 2019 1 New Idea

    Import MS/MS spectra in text formate to the library

    We miss the option to import in silico MSMS spectra or spectra from third party software in text formate into the lib...

    1 コメント Apr 05, 2019 31 Views Product:LibraryView Software
    Apr 05, 2019 0 LibraryView Software New Idea

    User level control of Mainpass-Bypass valve switching in Agilent LC

    We are currently using Agilent 1260 Infinity II in the front of the QTOF instrument and we are running a long LC meth...

    0 コメント May 17, 2019 50 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    May 17, 2019 3 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Option to automatically add multiple selected analytes' MS/MS spectra into library at once

    Can we have in Analytics add all selected (Used box checked) analytes' MS/MS spectra to library all together instead ...

    0 コメント Dec 14, 2018 33 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Dec 14, 2018 1 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    BioPharmaView TripleQuad Data analysis compatibility

    We have Sciex QTRAP 5500 and recently started working on the Metabolite identification workflow. We have lightsight s...

    1 コメント Dec 02, 2019 38 Views Product:BioPharmaView Software
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  • New Idea

    Dec 02, 2019 1 BioPharmaView Software New Idea

    Recover the MQ4 function in MQ software to the OS Analytica quantification software

    When using MQ software to analyze a batch of data, the peaks of insterested could be automatically varified even thou...

    1 コメント Nov 22, 2019 38 Views Product:Analyst Software
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  • Resolved

    Nov 22, 2019 1 Analyst Software Resolved

    Updated SWATH micro-app in PeakView

    The current software (SWATH micro app in PeakView) is buggy, slow, and not the easiest to use. Updated with non-lin...

    0 コメント Nov 29, 2018 44 Views Product:PeakView Software
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  • New Idea

    Nov 29, 2018 0 PeakView Software New Idea

    In OS Analytics bring which Library Hit was found in into Results Table

    In an Analytics Results Table I would like to see which Library the Library Hit was from as a column.  For non-t...

    0 コメント Jan 17, 2019 39 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Jan 17, 2019 1 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    deconvolute SWATH spectra for chemspider searches - for non-target workflow

    Currently, the non-target workflow needs to be done with IDA, since a chemspider search with the MSMS spectra from SW...

    0 コメント Sep 19, 2019 37 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Sep 19, 2019 5 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Make SciexOS available for aquisition on TripleTOF instruments

    I'd really love to have SciexOS as aquisition software on TripleTOF instruments. Knowing our machine (TripleTOF6600) ...

    0 コメント Apr 24, 2019 38 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
    Apr 24, 2019 0 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Reinject with different volume in decision rules if high sample is detected in the Real Time Decision rules.

    Reinject with different volumes in decision rules if a high response sample is detected in the Real-Time Decision ...

    0 コメント Jul 14, 2022 41 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Jul 14, 2022 14 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Pasting multiple columns in Analytics

    When creating custom columns for a transition it would be great if multiple columns can be copied at the same time. C...

    0 コメント Sep 18, 2019 40 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Sep 18, 2019 6 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Dark mode for OS software

    I would love a dark mode option that showed less white screen in Sciex OS software.

    Unfortunately, I someti...

    2 コメント Aug 25, 2021 88 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Aug 25, 2021 20 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Multi-detector support in LC config

    In a 2d LC configuration, Waters offers a multi detector support (TUV+PDA) in an integrated system.

    Sciex su...

    0 コメント Feb 11, 2021 52 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Feb 11, 2021 4 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Recognition of in-source fragments in non-targeted screening

    Include an  option to deconvolute the non-targeted screening results to identify which ions most probably come f...

    0 コメント Apr 05, 2019 30 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
    Apr 05, 2019 2 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Export Acquire list(Qmanager) from OS software

    Currently we are in the development of our new LIMS system. And in order to increase control over our process we n...

    0 コメント Feb 14, 2022 55 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Feb 14, 2022 2 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Improve processing performance of MultiQuant 3.0.3

    Hi I have been using MultiQuant software for 7years  to process large sets of MRM data (>200MRM/inject...

    0 コメント Jul 17, 2019 52 Views Product:MultiQuant Software
    Jul 17, 2019 1 MultiQuant Software New Idea

    able to select which column to print in batch in sciexOS

    with the addition of component concentration, the entire batch will print to many pages especially if the processing ...

    0 コメント Jun 27, 2019 41 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Jun 27, 2019 3 SCIEX OS Software New Idea

    Add Minimum Peak Area/threshold to processing method

    Currently on Analyst Intelliquan, multiquant, and the new AutoPeak, there is no way to set an area threshold. By t...

    0 コメント Nov 10, 2021 52 Views Product:SCIEX OS Software
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  • New Idea

    Nov 10, 2021 5 SCIEX OS Software New Idea