生物製剤解析システムPA 800 Plus


PA 800 Plusを使用すると、生物製剤解析の成功への近道になります。単一システムから複数の特性評価を行い、定性的および定量的分析を迅速かつ確実に実行できます。

以下のすべての分析・解析をPA 800 Plusで行うことができます。

  • モノクローナル抗体
    • ゴールドスタンダードCE-SDSによる純度/不均一性解析
    • Fast Glycanテクノロジーによる迅速糖鎖誘導体化及び解析
    • 迅速簡便なCZEまたは高分解能cIEFによる電荷不均一性解析
  • モノクローナル抗体以外の多様なペプチドおよびタンパク質
  • 遺伝子および細胞治療アプリケーション
    • カプシドタンパク質の純度
    • プラスミドおよび核酸製剤
生物製剤解析キャピラリー電気泳動システムPA 800 Plus















QCまたは規制環境に適用するメソッドを開発して確実に移管することが可能です。PA 800 Plusでは、移行可能性が実証されている頑健な自動アッセイを使用しているメソッドを容易に移行できますので、世界各地に複数のユーザーおよび複数の装置を有する組織に理想的です。














PA 800 Plusがこれらすべてを可能にします


PA 800 Plusの定量および自動化ソリューションにより、再現性の高いデータが得られます。SCIEXは、経験豊富なバイオ医薬品特性解析施設(開発グループおよびQCグループ)と緊密に連携し、困難な分析ニーズに対処できるアッセイを作成しています。












PA 800 Plusの基礎から応用的な機能を紹介するオンデマンドコンテンツにアクセスできます。詳細については、バイオファーマシンポジウムをご覧ください。


『SCIEX Empowerドライバー Version1.3』を使ってPA 800 Plusをもっとエンパワー(強化)しませんか?

データインテグリティとコンプライアンス対応を充実させるために、Waters Empower 3 CDS(クロマトグラフィーデータソフトウェア)でPA 800 Plusを制御しませんか? 今回リリースされた『SCIEX EmpowerドライバーVersion1.3』は、規制に対するリスクを軽減するだけではなくメソッドの移管効率も最大化できます。

Windows 10アップグレード







MS接続キャピラリー電気泳動ESIシステムCESI 8000 Plus

CESI 8000 PlusをMS接続すれば、高分解能CEとエレクトロスプレーイオン化(ESI)を1本のキャピラリーを通して有用かつダイナミックなプロセスに統合できます。



RNA 9000 purity and integrity kit methods

Effective Antibody-Drug Conjugates (ADC) characterization with icIEF-UV/MS solutions by Intabio ZT system

Characterization of lentiviral vectors using capillary electrophoresis platform technology webinar

High-throughput LNP-mRNA Integrity Profiling webinar

Proven answers for Protein, Vaccine and Nucleotide Characterization

High-throughput LNP-mRNA integrity profiling webinar

Spectrapalooza WOD - Unlocking high-quality plasmid purity and linear DNA analyses with the DNA 20 kb Plasmid and Linear kit (Brandon Bates)

Proven answers for protein, vaccine and gene therapy analysis webinar

Sample Preparation for the Fast Glycan Labeling and Analysis kit on the PA 800 Plus system video

Viral vector characterization: empty/full, transgene integrity and capsid protein analyses on a single platform webinar

Drug antibody ratio (ADC) calculations made easy and simple webinar

Genome integrity analysis of adeno-associated viruses (AAV) by genome sizing methodology webinar

How are CE methods being adapted to analyze new modalities webinar

Tips and Tricks for using the PA 800 Plus (JA) video

Best practices for using the PA 800 Plus with CE-SDS (JA) video

Peptide therapeutics analysis by Capillary Electrophoresis

Comprehensive method development for a wide size range of RNA

Pre-Assembled Cartridge flyer

Low pH SDS sample buffer flyer (ZH)

PA 800 Plus system now compatible with theThermo Scientific™ Chromeleon ™ Chromatography Data System


CZE Rapid Charge Variant Analysis kit flyer (ZH)

CE Consumable Flyer

PA 800 Plus system start-up consumable groups flyer

PA 800 Plus system Empower driver notes de version (FR)

PA 800 Plus system Empower driver notas de la versión (ES)

PA 800 Plus system Empower driver 版本发布说明 (ZH)

PA 800 Plus system Empower driver リリースノート (JA)

PA 800 Plus system Empower driver note di rilascio (IT)

PA 800 Plus system Empower driver versionshinweise (DE)

PA 800 Plus system Empower driver release notes

PA 800 Plus system Empower driver user guide

PA 800 Plus system Empower driver user guide (DE)

PA 800 Plus system system maintenance guide (EN)

PA 800 Plus System Overview Guide (EN)

PA 800 Plus system Empower driver user guide (ES)

PA 800 Plus system software validation guide

PA 800 Plus system Empower driver user guide (IT)

PA 800 Plus system Empower driver user guide (JA)

PA 800 Plus system Empower driver user guide (ZH)

PA 800 Plus Pharmaceutical Analysis System - System Administration Guide

PA 800 Plus system Empower driver user guide (FR)

PA 800 Plus system IgG Purity and Heterogeneity Assay kit application guide

PA 800 Plus system RNA 9000 Purity & Integrityキット アプリケーションガイド

PA 800 Plus system LIFluor™ EnhanCE dsDNA 1000 Dye application guide (JA)

PA 800 Plus system Fast Glycan Labeling and Analysis kit application guide

PA 800 Plus system IgG Purity and Heterogeneity Assay kit application guide (JA)

PA 800 Plus system IgG Purity and Heterogeneity Assay kit application guide (ZH)

PA 800 Plus system SDS-MW Analysis kit application guide

PA 800 Plus system ssDNA 100-R kit application guide (ZH)

PA 800 Plus system dsDNA 1000 kit application guide

PA 800 Plus system CZE Rapid Charge Variant Analysis kit application guide (ZH)

PA 800 Plus system dsDNA 1000 kit application guide (JA)

PA 800 Plus system Capillary Isoelectric Focusing (cIEF) Analysis kit application guide

PA 800 Plus system ssDNA 100-R kit application guide

PA 800 Plus system Capillary Isoelectric Focusing (cIEF) Analysis kit application guide (JA)

PA 800 Plus system SDS-MW Analysis kit application guide (JA)

PA 800 Plus system RNA 9000 Purity & Integrity 试剂盒 应用指南

PA 800 Plus system LIFluor™ EnhanCE dsDNA 1000 Dye application guide (ZH)

PA 800 Plus system CZE Rapid Charge Variant Analysis kit application guide

PA 800 Plus system SDS-MW Analysis kit application guide (ZH)

PA 800 Plus system LIFluor™ EnhanCE dsDNA 1000 Dye application guide

PA 800 Plus system ssDNA 100-R kit application guide (JA)

PA 800 Plus system Capillary Isoelectric Focusing (cIEF) Analysis kit application guide (ZH)

PA 800 Plus system CZE Rapid Charge Variant Analysis kit application guide (JA)

PA 800 Plus system RNA 9000 Purity & Integrity Kit Application Guide (EN)

PA 800 Plus system dsDNA 1000 kit application guide (ZH)

Carbohydrate Labeling and Analysis Kit Application Guide

CE Grade Water flyer

PA 800 Plus system brochure (ES)

Breaking through boundarieswith CRISPR gene editing

SCIEX solutions for LNP-based genetic medicines brochure

CE-SDS training flyer

CE Training Overview 2021

Capillary electrophoresis Windows 10 flyer

Empower Your PA 800 Plus with Waters Empower3 Enterprise Software

Fast Glycan labeling and analysis kit flyer

Fast Glycan Labeling and Analysis kit flyer

Capillary electrophoresis consulting flyer

Low pH phosphate SDS sample buffer flyer (ZH)

LC-MS/MS 技术平台

Capillary electrophoresis solutions for DNA/mRNA vaccines flyer (ZH)

PA 800 Plus system Empower driver flyer (ZH)

Low pH SDS sample buffer flyer

SCIEX solutions for gene therapy and oligonucleotide compendium

CE Training Overview DE 2021

Capillary electrophoresis training course flyer

CZE Rapid Charge Variant Analysis kit flyer

A holistic approach to understanding cIEF poster

Fully automated sample preparation with ultrafast N-glycosylation analysis of therapeutic antibodies poster

Native state charge variant analysis of commercialized monoclonal antibodies poster

A sensitive and robust plasmid analysis method by capillary electrophoresis-laser induced fluorescence (Pfizer and SCIEX) poster

CZE Method

CZE Capillary Conditioning

CZE Shutdown

CZE Rapid Charge Variant Analysis kit methods

CZE Analysis

Low-level quantitation of impurities in bispecific proteins using CE-SDS with LIF detection

High-precision lentivirus titer determination and protein profiling

Size distribution analysis of residual host cell DNA fragments in lentivirus by CGE-LIF

Development of purity analysis methods for synthetic prime editing guide RNAs (pegRNAs) with high-level secondary structures for prime editing research applications

Rapid CZE analysis of erythropoietin variants

Sensitive impurity analysis of AAV capsid proteins by CE using Chromeo P503 fluorescent (ES)

Capillary electrophoresis in quality control: Part I: Application for therapeutic proteins

A Robust cIEF Method: Intermediate Precision

Assessing glycosimilarity of biotherapeutics

Simple, fast and robust method for plasmid purity testing and degradation monitoring

High efficiency evaporative fluorophore labeling of glycans

Achieving robust cIEF analysis of monoclonal antibodies while increasing capillary run-life and maintaining high resolution and reproducibility

Accurate analysis of double stranded DNA over an extended size range

Assay of IgG purity and heterogeneity using high-resolution sodium dodecyl sulfate capillary gel electrophoresis

Sensitive AAV capsid protein impurity analysis by CE using P503 dye

Preparation scale-up of complex biological samples for deep N-glycomic analysis by CE-LIF and CESI-MS

IgG purity/heterogeneity and SDS-MW assays with 96-well plate adaption

Purity analysis of adeno-associated virus (AAV) capsid proteins using CE-SDS method

Native state charge variant analysis of commercialized monoclonal antibodies in minutes

RNA Analysis for CRISPR by capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detection

Genome sizing methodology for genome integrity analysis of adeno-associated viruses (AAV)

Automation of CE-SDS for IgG purity/heterogeniety

Comparative characterization of the Fc domain N-glycosylation in monoclonal antibody and fusion protein therapeutics

Ultrafast Analysis of Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMOs)

Capillary electrophoresis in quality control: Part II: CE-SDS: Method development and robustness

Separation of recombinant human erythropoietin (rhEPO) using the European Pharmacopoeia method on the PA 800 plus system

Simplifying CE-SDS data processing with mineral oil


Velocity-corrected area calculation: SCEX PA 800 plus system Empower driver version 1.3 vs. 32 Karat software

Identification of System Parameters Critical for High-Performance cIEF

Fast glycan sequencing using a fully automated carbohydrate sequencer

Purity analysis of adeno-associated virus (AAV) capsid proteins using CE-LIF technology

Evaluation of the glycosimilarity of biotherapeutics (ES)

Optimize non-reduced CE-SDS analysis with the SCIEX low pH SDS sample buffer

SDS-MW calibration and molecular weight estimation using the SCIEX PA 800 Plus Empower driver version 1.3

Optimization of a robust and sensitive capillary electrophoresis laser induced flourescence method for monitoring plasmid stability and purity

High-Resolution cIEF of Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies

A Series of Collaborations Between Various Pharmaceutical Companies and Regulatory Authorities Using CE

A single analytical platform for glycan analysis, charge heterogeneity, and purity determination of the NIST mAb

Rapid CZE analysis of erythropoietin variants (ZH)

Heterogeneity analysis of cysteine-linked antibody-drug conjugate by CE method (ZH)

Analyzing the average degree of substitution of betadex sulfobutyl ether sodium by capillary electrophoresis (ZH)

Analysis of purity and isoelectric points of HPV by capillary electrophoresis (ZH)

Purity analysis of CircRNA vaccine by CGE-LIF method (ZH)



Study on the stability of RNA Analysis by neutral capillary combined with RNA 9000 Kit (ZH)

Analysis of Purity and Integrity of mRNA Vaccine by Capillary Gel Electrophoresis (ZH)

Size analysis of residual host cell DNA in Lentivirus by CGE-LIF

Highly sensitive CE-SDS-LIF purity analysis of T7 RNA polymerase (ZH)

Purity analysis of oligonucleotides by capillary gel electrophoresis (ZH)

Analysis of Poly A tail distribution of mRNA by capillary gel electrophoresis (ZH)

High Throughput Detection of IgG Purity by Using Quick Rinse CE-SDS Separation Method

SCIEX毛细管凝胶电泳和液相串联高分辨质谱对mRNA PolyA尾分布的分析




Purity analysis of SgRNA by capillary gel electrophoresis (ZH)


Identification and quantitative analysis of impurity E in glutathione by capillary electrophoresis (ZH)

Rapid purity analysis of plasmid using neutral coated capillary in CGE-LIF method (ZH)

Analysis of size variants and isoelectric point of recombinant human serum albumin by capillary electrophoresis (ZH)

Size analysis of residual host cell DNA in Recombinant protein vaccine by CGE-LIF (ZH)

Determination of free carrier proteins in polysaccharideprotein conjugate vaccines by capillary micellar electrokinetic chromatography (ZH)

Purity analysis of monoclonal antibodies (5-TAMRA labeling) by CE-SDS-LIF (ZH)

SCIEX CE solutions in China Pharmacopoeia (ZH)

Determination of P-carboxybenzaldehyde and P-methyl benzoic acid in P-terephthalic acid by capillary electrophoresis (ZH)

Quality control of raw materials of diagnostic reagent in vitro by capillary electrophoresis (ZH)

Quantification of whey protein content in infant formula by CE-SDS (ZH)

Multi-laboratory validation for the purity analysis of protein products in CE-SDS method using CESI 8000 Plus (ZH)


The determination of α-lactalbumin and β-lactoglobulin in dairy by capillary zone electrophoresis (ZH)

Purity analysis of MRNA vaccine by using CGE-LIF (ZH)

Comparation the N-Glycan of different sources recombinant human erythropoietin by using capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detector (ZH)

The determination of lactoferrin in dairy by capillary zone electrophoresis (ZH)

Isoelectric points analysis of LNP encapsulated mRNA by cIEF (ZH)



Spectrapalooza WOD - Blurring the line between high-throughput and high-quality capillary electrophoresis (Matthew Myers)

CE consumables and reagents catalog

A66528 生物製剤解析システムPA 800 Plus検出器3種類(PDA, UV, LIFディテクタ搭載システム)、システムコントローラー、スタートアップキット付き
A66527 生物製剤解析システムPA 800s Plus検出器(PDAディテクタ搭載システム)、システムコントローラー、スタートアップキット付き
(扉開放時 H:986mm)
電源100V、8A、50 / 60Hz
キャピラリー加圧制御-5 ~ 100ps(i -34 ~ 689kPa)
試料温度制御4 ~ 60℃(室温25℃)、この機能使用時でも泳動バッファは室温に保たれます。
キャピラリー温度制御専用液体冷媒による液冷式、15 ~ 60℃(室温 25℃)
サンプルトレイN側、OUT側 各48または96ポジション
バッファトレイN側、OUT側 各36ポジション
測定波長域波長選択式ディテクタ:標準 200、214、254、280nmフォトダイオードアレイディテクタ: 190~600nm
蛍光光源(レーザー 3 mW)488nm/出力3mW
LIF (光源およびディテクター)取り付け方法のガイド動画動画の視聴はこちらから
SDSゲル分子量解析キット アプリケーションガイドダウンロードはこちらから
ファーストグリカンラベリング解析キット アプリケーションガイドダウンロードはこちらから
IgGアッセイキット アプリケーションガイドダウンロードはこちらから