CE、LC、質量分析の質問はありますか? SCIEXがお答えいたします。
SCIEX Now™ Support Network
The Destination for All Your Support Needs.

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Learning Hub
Best-in-class content, personalized learning paths - delivered using the latest memory science techniques.
Workflow Support
Whatever your challenge, the SCIEX Support team is here to help you achieve your scientific goals quickly and efficiently.
Self Help Resources
Our Knowledge Base and Community help you move your science forward with the answers you need from SCIEX experts as well as your peers.
Lab Enhancement Services
A holistic approach to your lab to increase productivity and reduce system downtime. We help you meet tight deadlines, improve the quality of results and ultimately increase your profit.
Product & Data Security
Increase your confidence with compliance services to help you safeguard your data, confirm data integrity, and ensure system modifications can be traced.
- 装置の管理
- オンライントレーニングコースやナレッジベース資料へのアクセス
- お客様の設定に基づいた内容にてSCIEXからのお知らせを受信