CESI 8000 Plus ESI-MSシステム


革新的なESI MS法でこれまでにない速さで、そして微量なサンプルからいままでは検出できなかった情報を取得してください。独立型のキャピラリー電気泳動装置として使用する場合でも、質量分析装置と接続して使用​​する場合でも、CESI 8000 Plusを使用するとテクノロジーではなくサイエンスをよりフォーカスできます。サンプルを取得するために一生懸命取り組んできたその貴重な作業の成果を最大限に獲得してください。以前は見逃していた隠された情報をぜひ取得してください。

  • オンラインMS検出によるインタクトmAbの電荷不均一性
  • プロテオフォーム、および複数部位のリン酸化を含むペプチド翻訳後修飾
  • イオン性または親水性物質など、荷電した極性代謝物/分解産物
  • 従来の技術では分離できなかったアイソバリックな代謝物および糖鎖
  • 蛋白質医薬品のインタクト解析
MS接続キャピラリー電気泳動ESIシステムCESI 8000 Plus|質量分析計・LC-MS/MSシステムのSCIEX





  • 波長選択式(UV)ディテクタ
  • フォトダイオードアレイ(PDA)ディテクタ
  • レーザー誘導蛍光(LIF)ディテクタ






CESI 8000 Plus高性能システムは、迅速で効率的かつユニークな分離選択性を高感度で提供すると同時に、適用範囲を拡大させます。














異性体の分離 – 従来のLC-MS法では不可能です。






Use the same method and reagents for multi-level characterization of protein therapeutics. Switch between pos and neg ion modes without changing setup.





 635(W)× 721(D)× 742(H)mm(扉開放時H:986mm)










- 5 ~ 100psi(- 34 ~ 689kPa)


5 μl when using NanoVias


なぜCESI 8000 Plusなのかをご覧ください


動画の視聴はこちらから >

『SCIEX Empowerドライバー Version1.3』を使ってPA 800 Plusをもっとエンパワー(強化)しませんか?

データインテグリティとコンプライアンス対応を充実させるために、Waters Empower 3 CDS(クロマトグラフィーデータソフトウェア)でPA 800 Plusを制御しませんか? 今回リリースされた『SCIEX EmpowerドライバーVersion1.3』は、規制に対するリスクを軽減するだけではなくメソッドの移管効率も最大化できます。


Analysis of Components in Shengmai Injection by CESI-MS/MS and LC-MS/MS (Chinese)

Determination of P-carboxybenzaldehyde and P-methyl benzoic acid in P-terephthalic acid by capillary electrophoresis (ZH)

Quality control of raw materials of diagnostic reagent in vitro by capillary electrophoresis (ZH)

Analysis of components in Shengmai injection by CESI-MS (Chinese)

Quantification of whey protein content in infant formula by CE-SDS (ZH)

Multi-laboratory validation for the purity analysis of protein products in CE-SDS method using CESI 8000 Plus (ZH)

The determination of α-lactalbumin and β-lactoglobulin in dairy by capillary zone electrophoresis (ZH)

Purity analysis of MRNA vaccine by using CGE-LIF (ZH)

Analysis of glycopeptides in erythropoietin by CESI-MS/MS and NanoLC-MS/MS techniques (Chinese)

The determination of lactoferrin in dairy by capillary zone electrophoresis (ZH)

CESI 8000 Plus System Administration Guide

OptiMS Bruker MS Adapter Installation Guide

CE instrument maintenance flyer

CESI 8000 High Performance Separation - ESI Module

CE-MS solutions enabling next-generation therapeutics

CE Training Overview 2021

CESI 8000 Plus Brochure

The Perfect Accessory for Your Mass Spectrometer

Capillary Electrophoresis kit brochure


LC-MS/MS 技术平台

SCIEX Capillary Electrophoresis Consumables flyer

CE Training Overview DE 2021

CZE Rapid Charge Variant Analysis kit flyer

OptiMS Adapter Brochure

Comprehensive Analysis of Recombinant Human Erythropoietin Glycoforms by Capillary Electrophoresis and Nanoflow Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Middle-down Mass Spectrometry

The application of Capillary Electrospray Ionization with negative ion electrospray ionization for the analysis of plant metabolites

Ultra-sensitive host cell protein detection using CESI-MS with SWATH® Acquisition

From small to very large: orthogonal, sensitive polar molecule analysis by CESI-MS

Comprehensive Characterization of Trastuzumab using a Single-Shot Peptide Mapping Approach with CESI-MS

The Use of Capillary Electrophoresis Coupled to Mass Spectrometry (CESI-MS) for Quantitation of Nucleotides and Nucleosides

The effect of ultra-low flow on the ionization of biotherapeutics

Slide 1

Kein Folientitel

Microsoft PowerPoint - ASMS 2014 HL.pptx

Microsoft PowerPoint - CE Pharm 2010 Poster - Hudson.ppt

Diapositive 1

Kein Folientitel

56x36 Poster Template

Characterization of Intact Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) and Its proteoforms by CESI-MS under Native and Denaturing Conditions

Slide 1

Native state charge variant analysis of commercialized monoclonal antibodies poster

Evaluating the Addition of Supercharging Reagents During CESI-MS for Identification and Characterization of Biopharmaceuticals

Charge heterogeneity characterization of next-generation antibodies using capillary electrophoresis and mass spectrometry

7 Detecting-Challenging.indd

Comprehensive Analysis of Recombinant Human Erythropoietin Glycoforms by Capillary Electrophoresis and Nanoflow Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Intact/Middle-Down Mass Spectrometry

Ionization Efficiency, Ion Suppression and Detection Sensitivity of CESI-MS

A New Approach to the Analysis of Anionic Metabolites by CESI-MS with Negative Ion Electrospray Ionization

High resolution approach to the detection of insulin degradation products

Optimized digestion procedure and characterization for monoclonal antibodies and proteins by CESI-MS

Neutral OptiMS Capillary Data Sheet

CESI-MS comparison of tryptic diges an assessment of bio similarity

Improving identification and quantification of polar herbicides by CESI-MS

Improving the Detection Limits for Highly Basic Neuropeptides Using CESI-MS

CESI-MS Analysis of Biofluids of Basic Drugs and Metabolites

Comprehensive Analysis of Low Abundant Mannose Glycopeptides in Peptide Mapping of Adalimumab

Compact Quantitative Proteomics Workflow Combining SILAC Labeling, Chromatographic Pre-fractionation and CESI-MS with a Neutral Capillary Surface

Analysis of Anionic Metabolites by CESI-MS

CESI-MS performance check and MS calibration using PepCalMix standard for silica surface OptiMS cartridges

Sensitive Glycoform Profiling of Interferon-beta-1a (Avonex) and Recombinant Human Erythropoietin by CESI-TOF-MS

A New High-resolution Approach to the Detection of Insulin Degradation Products

Intact Casein - A Model System for the Separation of Intact Phosphorylated Proteins by CESI-MS

Separation and Analysis of Intact Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) and its Proteoforms by CESI-MS Under Native and Denaturing Conditions.

Preparation scale-up of complex biological samples for deep N-glycomic analysis by CE-LIF and CESI-MS

Ultra-sensitive host cell protein detection using CESI-MS with SWATH acquisition

A new approach to the analysis ofanionicmetabolites by CESI-MS with negative ion electrospray ionization

Analysis of Intact MUPs (Major Urinary Proteins) from Mice by CESI-MS

Structural Characterization of Antibody Drug Conjugates (ADCs) by a Combination of Intact, Middle-up and Bottom-up Approaches using CESI-MS

Characterization of Phospho- and Glycopeptides by CESI-MS: A Powerful Technique for Increasing Sensitivity

Quantitation of Nucleotides and Nucleosides without derivatization using CESI-MS

Charge Variant Assessment of Nanobodies at the Intact Level by CESI-MS

Increasing Throughput with Multi-Segment-Injection-Capillary Electrospray Ionization-Mass Spectrometry (MSI-CESI-MS)

Velocity-corrected area calculation: SCEX PA 800 plus system Empower driver version 1.3 vs. 32 Karat software

CESI-MS of Intact Proteins

Expanding phosphorylation and post translational site mapping in proteomics using CESI-MS

Comprehensive Analysis of Recombinant Human Erythropoietin Glycoforms by Capillary Electrophoresis and Nanoflow Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Intact/Middle-Down Mass Spectrometry

SDS-MW calibration and molecular weight estimation using the SCIEX PA 800 Plus Empower driver version 1.3

Improved CESI-MS sensitivity and repeatability in glycopeptide analysis using a dopant enriched nitrogen gas

Chiral Analysis of Methamphetamine and Its Metabolite, Amphetamine in Urine by CESI-MS

A covalent, cationic polymer coating method for the CESI-MS analysis of intact proteins and polypeptides

Analyzing the average degree of substitution of betadex sulfobutyl ether sodium by capillary electrophoresis (ZH)

Analysis of purity and isoelectric points of HPV by capillary electrophoresis (ZH)

Analysis of Purity and Integrity of mRNA Vaccine by Capillary Gel Electrophoresis (ZH)

Highly sensitive CE-SDS-LIF purity analysis of T7 RNA polymerase (ZH)

Purity analysis of oligonucleotides by capillary gel electrophoresis (ZH)

Analysis of Poly A tail distribution of mRNA by capillary gel electrophoresis (ZH)

High Throughput Detection of IgG Purity by Using Quick Rinse CE-SDS Separation Method


SCIEX pH 6.5 sample buffer: Specified by Chinese Pharmacopoeia for CE-SDS analysis (Chinese)


Analysis of size variants and isoelectric point of recombinant human serum albumin by capillary electrophoresis (ZH)

Size analysis of residual host cell DNA in Recombinant protein vaccine by CGE-LIF (ZH)

Separation, identification and quantification of associated impurities in cobratide using sheathless CE-MS and CE-UV (Chinese)


CZE Rapid Charge Variant Analysis kit flyer (ZH)

CE-MS solutions enabling next-generation therapeutics

CE Consumable Flyer

OptiMS Waters MS Adapter Installation Guide

OptiMS Thermo MS Adapter Installation Guide

CESI 8000 Plus High Performance Separation-ESI Module User Guide

Neutral OptiMS Cartridge Instruction Guide

