Obtaining a Smaller Volume Divert Valve for a 4500, 5500 and 6500 LCMS Systems|質量分析計・LC-MS/MSシステムのSCIEX

日付: 05/13/2020
カテゴリー: Mass Spectrometers

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To obtain a smaller volume divert valve for a 4500, 5500 or 6500 LCMS system, a new part must be ordered from Valco, part number of C52-2006I. (The last character is a capital letter “i”; the valve has an internal bore of 0.016 in.)

The Valco divert valve cannot be mounted on a system that will handle pressures higher than 5,000 psi. These valves can be ordered with a minimum bore size of a 0.010 in. Smaller bore sizes are available (0.006 in), but these small diameter bore sizes should not be used with this valve. Both the stator and the rotor can be replaced. (Both must be done together).  The part number for the Stator is C52-1C06 ($385.00) and for the rotor, C2-10R6 ($72.00).