Adding compound names with square brackets causes LibraryView™ software error: Duplicate compound name in database

日付: 10/05/2024
カテゴリー: SCIEX OS

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For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Issue Description

The following error appears when attempting to add a compound name with square brackets to a library from the Analytics workspace in SCIEX OS software: "Duplicate compound name in database. Please open LibraryView™ software and make sure the compound is deleted from the trash before trying to add."

For example, the chemical name, Bicyclo[6.5.1]tetradec-1(13)-ene, will generate this error. However, when users look for the compound name that generated the error, the compound record cannot be found in existing libraries or in the trash of LibraryView software.



This error occurs because the square brackets used in the compound name are also special characters used in SQL commands, which conflicts with the SQL database used with the LibraryView software. The SQL wildcard characters are listed below.

%Represents zero or more characters
_Represents a single character
[]Represents any single character within the brackets
^Represents any character not in the brackets
Represents any single character within the specified range
{}Represents any escaped character

When users add an MS/MS spectrum from SCIEX OS software to a library compound, the LibraryView software verifies if the compound already exists in its database. LibraryView software does not recognize a compound name with square brackets because the square brackets change the SQL logic. Instead of checking the name and adding a spectrum, LibraryView software attempts to create a new compound with an identical name, which results in the above error.

The workaround is to avoid using square brackets or any other special characters when naming a library compound. Instead, regular parenthesis () can be used.