Where Can LIF Emission and UV Bandpass Filters Be Ordered?

日付: 12/26/2018
カテゴリー: PA 800 Plus Pharmaceutical Analysis System

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For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


UV bandpass filters used with the fixed wavelength UV detectors or emission filters for the laser induced fluorescence (LIF) detector can be ordered from common optics companies such as Andover Optics or Newport Optics. (See below for contact information.

The following specs need to be provided when placing the order for UV bandpass filters:

  • 0.495 inches in diameter (0.5 inches is fine)
  • 0.195 inches thickness (0.2 inches is fine)
  • 0.35 inches window (meaning the internal diameter with filter coating)
  • Quartz glass
  • 20 nm bandwidth
  • Center wavelength tolerance of +/- 2nm
For LIF emission filters, provide the following information when ordering:
  • 0.500 +.00-0.010 inch outside diameter
  • 0.350 inch minimum free aperture (center area of filter)
  • 0.280 +/- 0.020 inch thickness
  • BG glass to minimize fluorescence from the glass
  • Typical 20 nm bandwidth or whatever is desired
  • 60% transmission minimum
  • Mounted in aluminum ring holder with an anodized finish
(Please note they have almost the same specs except that they are thicker than the UV bandpass filters.)

Suggested sources:
1) Newport/SpectraPhysics or Newport/Corion: (800-598-6783)

2) Andover Corp: (888-598-6783) www.andcorp.com 
Omega Optical Inc.: (866-488-1064, US only) www.omegafilters.com