




  • 抗体医薬品やADCの研究者や分析担当者
  • 抗体生産用細胞株スクリーニングの研究者
  • 遺伝子治療製品の研究者や品質管理試験の担当者
  • プロセス開発の研究者
  • キャピラリー電気泳動のユーザーまたは導入検討者
  • ZenoTOF 7600システムまたは他社精密質量分析装置のユーザーまたは導入検討者



Blurring the line between high-throughput and high-quality capillary electrophoresis.

Matthew Myers, Associate Director, Analytical Development, Teva Pharmaceutical

Driving process improvement by implementing an icIEF-UV/MS workflow on the Intabio ZT system into the cell line development toolbox

Kristen Nields, Principal Scientist, Johnson and Johnson Innovative Medicine

Unlocking high-quality plasmid purity and linear DNA analyses with the DNA 20 kb Plasmid and Linear kit

Brandon Bates, Manager, Application Support, SCIEX

LC-MS based In-vitro and In-vivo platform to support ADC innovation at scale

Gregg Czerwieniec, PhD, Director Analytical and Mass Spectrometry Large Molecule Discovery, Loxo@Eli Lilly and Company

Unveiling new paths for revealing metabolite structure

Ming Yao, Principal Scientist, Bristol Myers Squibb

Quantitative proteomics for biomarker discovery in mouse models of disease

Lekha Sleno, Professor, University of Quebec at Montreal

Confident PTM site localization of immunoaffinity enriched peptides from cellular lysates using EAD fragmentation

Jeffrey Silva, Principal Scientist, Cell Signaling Technologies

Development of a Zeno MRM-HR method for enhanced folate vitamer quantification in plant samples

John Ramsey, Scientific Researcher, USDA/ARS

First impressions of ZT Scan DIA - Tim Heymann | HUPO 2024

Tim Heymann, Mann Lab, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry

High-throughput proteomics using ZT Scan DIA - Ludwig Roman Sinn | HUPO 2024

Ludwig Roman Sinn, Ralser and Demichev Labs, Charite - Universitatsmedizin Berlin

