What Normalization Can I Use in MarkerView™ Software 1.3.1 when Processing My Peptide Data?|質量分析計・LC-MS/MSシステムのSCIEX

日付: 01/26/2022
カテゴリー: Academia Omics , Pharma CRO , MarkerView Software

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For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


MarkerView™ software 1.3.1 software has a new Most Likely Ratio (MLR) normalization algorithm incorporated info this newest version of the software. Please read this link to a community post on this topic: https://community.sciex.com/2021/08/07/what-is-the-most-likely-ratio-normalization-strategy/ This new algorithm was developed for the SCIEX software suite, OneOmics™ Suite, and was later implemented in MarkerView 1.3.1 software.