How Can I Export Results Table Data in Encrypted Text Files in SCIEX OS Software?|質量分析計・LC-MS/MSシステムのSCIEX

日付: 02/11/2022
カテゴリー: SCIEX OS

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For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


Users with the administrator role have access to the project settings for secure export in the Analytics workspace under the Projects drop down menu in the SCIEX OS software.

1. In the Analytics workspace, select the Projects menu and then select the Project secure export settings option.
2. Select the Encrypt Results Table when exporting for this project check box.
3. Type a password in the Password field.
4. Type the password again in the Confirm Password field.
5. Click OK.

Export Secure project 2.png
When this option is selected, the data in the text file is encrypted during export.