Does a POET Error Reflect a Possible Network Connectivity Error or an Unsupported Network Drive Type?|質量分析計・LC-MS/MSシステムのSCIEX

日付: 11/01/2021
カテゴリー: Analyst Software

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For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


A POET error can arise when saving a results table in Analyst® software, with the error typically arising when saving the results table file to a network drive. The POET error can be generated when repeatedly trying to save the results table, and often subsequent attempts to save the file are successful and the file can be saved without error.  Usually this scenario reflects a network connectivity error or an unsupported network drive type. (Supported network drives include servers running Windows, but not other operating systems.) 

The errors can vary slightly from the error of database, POET,  or ptbase, all of which refer to the underlying POET database that comprises all results tables in the Analyst software. For in more depth troubleshooting of the specifics, the user should send in logs and screen captures and submit a case to SciexNow  (